
November 10, 2009

When I was in 6th grade, 12 years old, I got a cassette tape in China Town in Philadelphia of a band called Pennywise… A year later I saw them in concert for the first time, oddly enough only a few blocks from where I originally got the tape. I was hooked!!!

Fast forward 16 years, they are still the top of my list of favorite bands, but just two weeks before I moved to LA, the singer quit the band!!!

No worries, because the rest of the band has forged forward!

After a recent APA meeting, I found myself at the Air Conditioned Supper Club where they played a show, vocals were filled in by Zoli, singer of the band Ignite.

Since I’m a complete geek for Pennywise, and since my friend is their web guy who I’m always happy to help, I got to work and shot some images of the gig! Enjoy, and please contact me if you are interested in usage and licensing. 415.509.7407 –












Baby Naming Event…

April 26, 2009

Every once in awhile, I get offered jobs in the realm of “event” photography. Though typically not something I regularly do, every once in awhile I get the job from a fellow photographer who originally intended to do it, yet somehow, something at the last minute came up, and they need saving…. Since I enjoy being a super hero, I usually am the one to swoop in and rescue them!

Most recently, I had photographed a Jewish Baby Naming… It is something that I never knew existed before. So I got to learn about something new, enjoy a day of abnormally nice weather in the Bay Area, and let go of all of the rules I set for myself during my usual shoots. Wow! Win-win-win situation! Here are some of my more favorite shots from the event.








Recently found myself in Philadelphia for the 3rd Annual Bilenky Junkyard Cyclocross race, and by recently, I mean this past December. I received the special invite from my brother Joe who was one of the riders. What an unexpected event! Drive into the less than glamorous section of Philadelphia, walk through some frozen shrubs and sticker bushes, duck into the side door of what looks like an abandoned garage, only to find all sorts of crazy and exciting things on the other side! The below-freezing weather wanted me to keep my little fingers in my pockets and off my camera, but I somehow managed to walk away with 200+ images from the event. Here are just some.
















© Jess Reynolds Photography